SalesBlogcast voted on the following stories on BizSugar

The vision people have of your company needs to be coherent. An international sales person can concentrate so much on building his personal relationship across cultures, that he loses the global picture his international client has of his company. International clients notice the confidence the international sales person has in his own company. Read More
We need a serious rethink about how we handle corporate governance. Here is why, what and how we can do that. It's important to you, me, companies, the economy and our way of life (seriously!). Read More
Don't hate your customers for it. Love them. But like parents of devious children sneaking handfuls of cookies into their beds at night, listen carefully for their footsteps outside your bedroom door. And then look for crumbs in the morning. Read More
Despite many opinions to the contrary, and the challenges and sheer volume of things sales people have to get done to succeed in today's market; many sales professionals should take comfort in the fact that they are better than most think, and there many ways that can help them sell even better. Read More
Sales people need to be a lot more curious and willing to learn how they can deliver value to buyers, not just sell them what they know. They need to learn to ask more why? Read More
Part of managing a sales team is inspiring it to reach new heights of performance, just as an athletic coach might do. The similarities between coaching a sports team and managing a sales team are remarkable. Read More
Hospitals are noisy places. Some patients, like me, are light sleepers. Put noisy places and light sleepers together and you have a potential disaster. I would have paid just about anything out of my own pocket by the morning after my first night's stay if someone would have guaranteed me Read More
Get your week going with a little inspiration! I've always enjoyed listening to people who have a great message to share. I'm including the lyrics so you can follow along. Read More
The difference between being number one or two in a given sector often comes down to having a vision, a plan and the guts to execute. Read More
The self-confidence you need to deal with cultural differences is something most people acquire through international experience. A lack of self-confidence can quickly lead to awkwardness and aggression. This is why it is important to build a quiet self-confidence to build trust in cross-cultural communication. Read More

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