Argentisgroup voted on the following stories on BizSugar

What can we learn from Fight Club when it comes to dealing with today's economic climate? Just this: it's time to hit the reset button in our lives and move on Read More
How moving your sales force to following a process and giving them access to technology will increase your sales a competitive advantage. Year over year performance in numerous KPI’s including revenue per account, average deal size, market size and more Read More
Find out how to indirectly promote your Facebook fan page from your personal account, without annoying your friends and inner circles for extra visibility Read More
Social media marketing strategy is easy to understand when explained by Jay Baer of Convince And Convert Read More
So many people are seeking the legendary place called work-life balance. Bad news: there's no such thing. What you want to find is harmony in the different areas of your life Read More
Today we are going to continue our discussion with Tom Mahoney from Merchant 911, a web site created to help small businesses learn the pros and cons of accepting credit cards and provide them with the resources to fight credit card fraud Read More
If you only call a prospect one, you are missing out on a huge opportunity to make a sale. The odds of someone buying off of you after one call is rare, but if you don’t continually call, you will miss out on an 85% or greater chance of getting a sale Read More

What Salespeople Can Learn from Chris Brogan

What Salespeople Can Learn from Chris Brogan - Avatar Posted by iannarino under Sales
From 5178 days ago
Made Hot by: thesocialrobot on May 6, 2010 12:09 pm
There are three lesson salespeople can learn from Chris Brogan. These include creating value before claiming any, continually work on improving your capacity to do so, and to treat people as if they are important. These simple ideas will make selling you and your ideas easier, and they will massively increase your personal effectiveness Read More
I'm a firm believer that in business, as in life, if you are seeking principles for success, look to nature and the creatures with whom we share this planet! From the task-specialization of ants, to the "web-building" of spiders to the "networking" and pack-hunting mentality of's all there Read More
Have you been suppressing your inner punk-rocker so that you can have a normal business? If so, you might be killing your chances at success Read More

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