Argentisgroup voted on the following stories on BizSugar

An email newsletter has a ROI of 4,352% on every dollar spent and drives 73% more sales per marketing dollar than telemarketing and cold calling. Here are 3 technologies you can use to create a subscription list for your very own email newsletter Read More

Make a Referral Monday

Make a Referral Monday - Avatar Posted by lyceum under Marketing
From 5173 days ago
Made Hot by: bluechipnet on May 12, 2010 6:09 am
After reading Ivana Taylor's post, The Referral Engine: Teaching Your Business to Market Itself, I decided to start a new open thread meme post on Mondays. I joined a BNI (Business Network International) chapter in Gothenburg called Quality Hotel Panorama team on April 30. Please give your referrals in the comment section Read More
You pour your heart, soul, effort, time and wisdom into your original biz-blog posts and articles. But what about ownership of and rights to your ideas once you hit "ENTER" or "SUBMIT?" The answers may surprise you Read More
Mostly, I want to talk to you about affiliate marketing for your own benefit, because I think it can be helpful to you, especially in this down economy.

Affiliate marketing. It gets such a bad rap from some Read More

Google for Online Sales Prospecting

Google for Online Sales Prospecting  - Avatar Posted by billrice under Sales
From 5173 days ago
Made Hot by: BusinessBloggerPro on May 12, 2010 1:43 pm
Web 2.0 has delivered an incredibly valuable resource to every sales person on the planet–a massive customer database. Think about it.

Daily people (prospective customers) are creating profiles, indicating their preferences, discussing their pain, and describing their vision. Really, what’s left in the sales process?

The trick is learning to efficiently mine this amazing database Read More
Your mission as a sales person should be to find companies that have immediate wants and needs. This means that something happened or is happening to them - a move, a merger, new investors, etc. You have to look for any event that might create the opportunity for you, or better said you are looking for event that can trigger the sales for you Read More
Sales is a numbers game. The more you know about your key numbers, the better you can build a plan to succeed. Learn how to use key sales numbers to create a plan to succeed Read More

Email as a Form of Cold Calling

Email as a Form of Cold Calling  - Avatar Posted by SalesBlogcast under Sales
From 5174 days ago
Made Hot by: m4bmarketing on May 12, 2010 10:11 pm
The term “Cold Calling” brings out a visceral reaction in most sales people, to the point where it has become a much bigger debate than it should be. I am especially amused by jokers who sell the promise of “Never Cold Calling Again.”

The Good News... “Cold Calling” doesn’t have to be all phone work! Read More

Annual Blog Report VIII

Annual Blog Report VIII   - Avatar Posted by lyceum under Social Media
From 5175 days ago
Made Hot by: HomeBusinessMedia on May 10, 2010 4:17 am
I had planned to publish my annual blog report VIII on my 8th blogiversary on May 7, but it got stuck in the pipeline! ;) After eight years of blogging, I thought I could celebrate, so I went to 3 Små Rum (3 small rooms in Swedish) pub and had one bottle of Three Philosophers beer Read More
Last week while we were hard at work a Bugatti sold for $30 Million, a Picasso fetched $117 Million and the proud owner moved into his $1 Billion condo! So when pricing our business goods and services, do we market toward the "Average Joe" or the obscenely-rich? An offbeat look at the issue of setting biz prices Read More

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