Argentisgroup voted on the following stories on BizSugar

Jim Kukral recommends this 28-page free report on content writing and SEO from the folks at Copyblogger. You can download it straight from a link on Jim's site. I haven't read it myself yet, but honestly have great respect for the Copyblogger team so it's on my to-do list. Hey, if anyone else has already seen this report and would like to give some feedback, please leave a comment below Read More
What can you learn about online video marketing from classic old TV shows? Quite a bit, we think. From "Star Trek" to "Gilligan's Island" to "Bewitched" and "The Andy Griffith Show", here's a fun look at how lessons learned from those great old TV classics can be applied to online video marketing for your product, service or other business. Tune in to find out more.. Read More
Leaving comments on blog posts can be a great way to promote yourself and your product. There are rules though and here are 10 tips you should consider Read More
This review explains why you should read the book Referral Engine: Teaching Your Business To market Itself by John Jantsch Read More
Three weeks ago I was asked by small business marketing Rockstar, John Jantsch, creator of the Duct Tape Marketing website, author of the New York Times Bestselling Duct Tape Marketing: The World's Most Practical Small Business Marketing Guide (Amazon Link) and all-around fantastic small business resource (kissing a little butt here) to review his newest boo Read More
David Mihm, local SEO expert, updates and comments on the Local Search landscape. Google, Facebook, and Yelp plays... and how they impacy your local online efforts Read More
Have you ever held a meeting and realize that you didn’t have a reason? I think most sales people make this mistake. So that you have a purpose, here are 7 reasons for having a meeting Read More
What's a disappointing retail selling experience look like? It looks like this. Let's put an end to trite selling forever Read More

What It Takes to Be Great

What It Takes to Be Great  - Avatar Posted by billrice under Sales
From 5177 days ago
Made Hot by: HomeBusinessMedia on May 9, 2010 3:22 am
We are often consumed by visions of success or greatness. And what that takes is often deceiving because movies and writers only like to showcase the exciting parts of winning—the SportsCenter highlights or the six months before the big sale or IPO.

I think about my friend Chris Brogan (@chrisbrogan) when he talks about his 10+ years of .. Read More
My new book, The Referral Engine – Teaching Your Business to Market Itself, ships next week so I thought I would share some of the key points via a slide show. Hope you grab something tweetable and, well, consider buying the book too :) – links to buy – Barnes & Noble, Amazon, 800-CEO-READ or Indie Boun Read More

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