Keenan voted on the following stories on BizSugar

Think verbal communication is the only necessary skill in sales? Think again! Author Ralph Allora discusses the need for excellent written communication as well. Read More

Is the Customer Always Right?

Avatar Posted by jkennedy under Customer Service
From 5289 days ago
Made Hot by: ShawnHessinger on April 7, 2010 1:06 pm
Many salespeople and customer service reps operate under the illusion that customers are a pain to deal with. The real pain, though, is when there are NO customers. Read More
Salespeople are responsible for managing the outcomes that they sell their clients. If you sold anything even remotely complex, like a real business improvement, it is inevitable that the execution comes with built-in challenges and problems. Despite all of your Read More
A few days ago a blog post from ZoomInfo hit my radar. It asks a simple question: Can Social Media Shorten the Sales Cycle?

Interesting question and my first reaction was, “sure.” However, this statistic got me thinking a little harder: “nearly 60% of b-to-b sales said that current sales cycles were longer than last year.”

How would I coach a B2B sales team that was faced with this trend in Read More
Bad customer service should never, under an circumstances, be tolerated. You have a right to expect excellent customer service, and it's time to demand that right. Read More

Your Customer Is A Friend, Not An Enemy

Avatar Posted by alenmajer under Sales
From 5290 days ago
Made Hot by: 9devon9 on April 8, 2010 9:27 am
If your customer is your real friend you will want him to make money — and salespeople can’t make money unless the customers do. Read More
Much of the selling and decision-making in a deal goes on when you, the salesperson, aren’t there. To sell effectively, you need to anticipate these conversations. You need to influence these conversations in your absence. Here are five ways you can make sure these conversations are good for you and for your deal. Read More
There are some very predictable events in sales that need to be dealt with well in advance rather than when they may occur. One is the impact of vacation season on sales decisions. If you know that your decision maker will be on holiday in June, and you sales cycle is 90 days, you need to plan and execute now to avoid delays or no decisions. Read More
Every contact and every communication with your prospect is chance to have a meaningful interaction that will advance towards a sale. Every call needs to have this as the ideal outcome, and it must be something more than simply “checking in.” Use these five ideas make your calls more meaningful. Read More
Multi-tasking is not all it's cracked up to be, nice phrase but in reality it is just an opportunity to not complete a whole bunch of things at once rather than getting them done well. Do one thing at a time, do it right and to the best of your ability, and you will find it takes less time than multi-tasking. Read More

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