Shanegibson voted on the following stories on BizSugar

Think American Idol is just for kids? Think again! Here are three important business lessons you should have learned while watching American Idol. Read More
I have often been an advocate of increasing incentive pay and lowing base pay for salespeople in the B2C space. But increasing the portion of income that can be derived from commission won't work for all types of sellers. Read More
Competitiveness has come to been seen as a negative characteristic. It isn’t. Sales is a zero sum game. The best salespeople have a competitive nature that allows them to believe that they can win and motivates them to take actions in line with those beliefs. Read More
Contrary to some opinions, closed ended questions have value in sales. As with any question, it's more an issue of proper use, at the proper time, for a specific objective. Read More

More People Dreaming of Entrepreneurship?

Avatar Posted by SalesBlogcast under Startups
From 5359 days ago
Made Hot by: lyceum on January 27, 2010 11:26 pm
There are people who think the grass is greener working for another manager, then there are those who think they would be happier in another department, and there are always people who think it would be better to leave and go work for another company.

Although these scenarios will always exist, I am noticing a recent shift where things seem different. More than ever, I hear people talking abo Read More
Each month you will find the Top 10 Sales Articles of the Month at You can also cast your vote to determine the top sales article of the month.
Once a year the top articles of each month compete for the Article of the Year.

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Many sales people avoid executives for different reasons. But if you want to have lasting success with a client, you need to involve people at the executive level, either before, during or after a sales, or preferably all.
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For years you have been told that cold calling is dead. You have been told that you can be more successful in sales without cold calling. You have been told that new Web 2.0 technological enablers have replaced cold calling. You have been told that instead of cold calling, you should be “warm” calling. You have been lied to. Read More
You have to believe in your product or service to be a great salesperson. But belief in your product or service can be as destructive to your sales, your success, and ultimately, to your company’s survival if it becomes arrogance. Read More
Bankruptcies really are like car crashes. Most times with more prudent, careful driving they could be avoided. That is why business owners and company leaders need to think safety first, gain second before they go and take on significant business risk. Here is the argument for why. Read More

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