Swssem voted on the following stories on BizSugar

After starting several businesses on the side, helping others with their own online stores and running this blog for a couple of years now, I’ve come to realize that there are certain attributes and traits that can greatly increase your chances for business success at any level. Here’s what I’ve le Read More
Being in the news is a great way to get noticed. I use Bizsugar to share my ideas, tips and learn from other people. Here are 3 ways in which business bloggers, writers and business owners can use Bizsugar to sweeten their business success Read More

7 Things to Consider When Hiring an Intern for Your Startup

Avatar Posted by ErinB under Startups
From http://sprouter.com 4903 days ago
Made Hot by: Cathode Ray Dude on April 17, 2011 12:12 am
One of the questions I hear most often from entrepreneurs is how to find a good intern, so I thought I’d share some insight from my experiences and hopefully lead you to the next great addition to your team. Here are a few things to consider when hiring an intern for your startup. Read More
In today's post John Jantsch covers the importance of culture in any small business. How you must direct the rider, motivate the elephant, and share the path. Read More
In a world of information overload, the attention will soon turn to those who can help us make sense of it and bring the cream to the top. Build a reputation as a trusted content curator in your line of business and your audience will return again and again. Read More

Does Your Copywriting Cut the Mustard?

Avatar Posted by searchblogger under Online Marketing
From http://www.businesszone.co.uk 4917 days ago
Made Hot by: Cathode Ray Dude on April 4, 2011 4:26 pm
When you're selling products or services online which do you think is more important - the design of your website or the content? You can have the best looking website in the world but if it has dull and dreary content, people will just admire it for a second and go elsewhere. Read More
As useful as Google Analytics is, not every online marketer uses it to its full potential. That’s why we compiled a list of the top-5 hidden features. These little-known items can take your GA experience to the next level. They can also boost your performance in traffic generation, conversion optim Read More
Iconic rockers. Legends. Kick-ass tunes. Rock 'n Roll Hall of Fame inductees.

Sometimes branding and symbolism, however, are just as important as the product being marketed.

Does your business need a BEARD? Read More
My first contact with blogging was way back in 2003. Back then blogging was just a hobby and a medium for expression. It was beautiful. Then in July of 2010 I stepped into the professional realm of blogging. In those seven years, my eyes have seen a lot happen in the blogosphere and recently, I hav Read More
Ahhh...Billions of dollars!

What to spend such profits on.

Meet my first inductee into the "Business Hall-of-Greed!" Read More

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