If you ever hear that phrase... pay attention. It means that a great opportunity lies just ahead; don't let it slip by! In a recent visit to Red Robin, I ordered a burger and one of their extra thick chocolate milk shakes.

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One thing is often overlooked: As a small business owner, your social media success isn’t about the social networks themselves. Instead, it’s about delivering a remarkable customer experience. Read More
Today’s Daily Tip falls firmly within the realm of that familiar refrain we heard as children: “Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.” We just have to find the “good” in our communication style and delivery, and then use it, use it, use it when it comes to how we treat our customers.
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Technology can be a wonderful thing, but one thing its done is create more and more commoditization. If a product can be copied, it most certainly will be copied. As such, companies who used to be able to market product superiority have lost that edge over the competition and must find a different Read More
In one way or another, we are all in the customer service business. It takes customers to buy our products, and as with any job, customer support is always necessary. But, customer service is about a whole lot more than just support. Customer service is literally, the most defining aspect of your c Read More
Your company should be going out of its way to make the client feel special, needed, and cared for. Some tips on how to win customers for your small business. Read More
Using a cloud-based CRM solution is a great assistant to personalising your customer service journey. In today’s market a personalised service is a good way of differentiating yourself from your competitors. Read More
Accounting software consultants and customers are generally not the “over the top” type, so Sage’s approach to giving people a subtle way to express their humor and “issues” was completely appropriate and keeping in perfect harmony with their audience. Read More
US Airways and Comcast have consistently scored at the bottom of the American Customer Satisfaction Index for several years. But according to blogger Christopher Elliot, both companies are now applying strategies that could help all companies improve their customer satisfaction capabilities too.
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Sometimes the power of social media makes you go “wow”. It can be an amazing asset or your worst nightmare as realized recently by Netflix announcing their price increase.

In a nutshell, Netflix adjusted their price structure and raised prices by 60%. They took something that consumers percei Read More

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