With thе uѕe оf smart phones аnd othеr technological devices оn thе rise, mаny companies arе starting tо recognize hоw thеѕe devices cаn bе usеd tо theіr advantage. The current trend оf people depending оn theіr smart phones tо visit websites аnd uѕе search engines wіll only increase aѕ newеr model Read More
Have you ever had to deal with a person who blows things so out of proportion publicly that you feel like turning off your computer and taking a vacation? If so, read further. I have an interesting case study for you. Read More
A recent study found that over 80% of customers who are happy with your call center agent’s performance are willing to listen to an additional offer, whereas only 53% of unsatisfied customers were willing to consider an add-on product offer. So, in order to maximize the incremental revenue potentia Read More
Kristi Fox, Second Vice President of Group Client Relationships at Minnesota Life, recently shared her views on top customer service in an interview for the Dave Stein blog. “We’re good, but we’re also human,” she said. “If we mess up, we fess up..."
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Interview with Barry Dalton, a leading customer experience expert about strategies and insights on the CRM and Social CRM industry. Let’s dive into his precious insight on what it takes to always “think like customers.” Read More
Quick question—which employee in your company is responsible for brand management? Many businesses would say their brand managers, the PR and marketing team or maybe even the CEO should be held accountable for public brand perception. The truth is that every single employee in your company, especia Read More
When you boil it all down, airlines are really selling something pretty simple. They are there to transport people from one place to another. That could be why airlines have always had to rely on customer-service extras to differentiate themselves from competitors.
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Depending on your type of business, most businesses usually have lots of operations. For some, handling all these operations effectively can become tiresome or almost impossible. And when your business does not run smoothly, it could lead to a decline in sales or patronage. This is where outsourcin Read More
The power is in the hands of the consumer. They know that they have options and they are going to take their time to ensure that they make the right choice before spending their money. Besides getting recommendations from trusted friends, family, or colleagues consumers are spending time researchin Read More
Delivering excellent customer service is one of the most effective ways to boost customer retention. That seems obvious, yet these observations from “The Top 9 Ways to Increase Your Customer Loyalty,” a free white paper from Allegiance.com, drive the point home. Read More

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