With all of the effort you are putting forth to excel in your career, there's nothing worse than wasting a perfectly good referral ...When Good Referrals Turn Bad. Read More
As solo business owners, we sometimes feel like Lone Rangers on our own, trying to figure out ways to bring in more clients. A business owner's survival and growth ...Build a Powerful Referral Network and They Will Come. Read More
Salespeople sell change. They sell a future result, a better outcome. But creating the vision of a better future outcome is only where the sale begins. Successful salespeople know that that change needs their time, their attention, and their resourcefulness as a salesperson—and as a businessperson—to be achieved. They lead and manage the change that they sell. Read More
Great salespeople have the ability to negotiate. They see every advance in the sales process as an opportunity to negotiate in good faith, creating value for their company and their client company at each and every stage. They build trust within their client’s company, negotiating changes and modifications within the buying team to ensure that value is created for all of their stakeholders. They Read More
Having a sales process is important, but in sales you need to go beyond it. With a solid process, you can use your creativity, skills and execution to drive success. Read More
Storytelling is the ability to create a compelling vision of the future. Great salespeople include in their stories the challenges and the obstacles that will need to be overcome in order to create that future. They write the future positive outcomes with their clients as both characters and as coauthors. Read More
Good sales people are out there everyday involved in or initiating change. But as group or profession they sometime fail to see the changes sales should be implementing to stay vital. Failure to embrace change in sales will open the door to unanticipated change on a grand scale. Read More
In the past, success in sales depended very heavily on the salesperson’s sales acumen. While sales acumen is still necessary, business acumen is now equally (or in some cases, more) important than sales acumen. The business of sales is now the business of business. Salespeople need the business acumen of a great general manager. Read More
A thorough annual review of your customers is required to ensure your business is making a profit from each and every customer. Taking a truly objective look at each customer will ensure your success and profitability. Read More
Article on sending a thank you note when you work in sales. It happens infrequently so it really will differentiate you from your competition. Read More

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