Shanegibson voted on the following stories on BizSugar

Can we make sales meetings about sales again? Read More
As I mentioned, I am at heart; a salesperson - this is the bit that really interested me about Twitter . Can it help me to sell my services? The answer is a resounding YES. Read More
It is important to ask the right question in the right situation for maximum impact. You don't want to have a question to add risk to a sell, test them in advance. Read More

Question Testing

Avatar Posted by SellBetter under Sales
From 5562 days ago
Questions are important but have to be tested to ensure maximum impact for specific situations. Read More
Some sales people believe that it is their gift of gab that makes them successful. Sure, the ability to pitch a prospect is effective when closing quick, transactional, non-complex deals, but as the as the level of complexity rises, it requires the sales person to take a more sophisticated approach. The top sales people ask killer sales questions! Read More
I have been involved in the beta for Hootsuite 2.0 and had the opporunity to connect with Ryan Holmes President of Invoke Media. For our book Sociable! I interviewed Ryan about the soon to be released version of Hootsuite. It is loaded with features, analytics and tools that business users of Twitter can really benefit from Read More

Now I'm on Michael Jackson Overload; But One Last Thing...

Avatar Posted by SkipAnderson under Sales
From 5562 days ago
Made Hot by: q4sales on July 13, 2009 7:33 pm
It's been two weeks since Michael Jackson's his passing. I'm ready to move on. I need to move on. But before we do, Read More
How to qualify prospects by measuring them to see if they would qualify as a prospect makes great business sense. Read More
The old saying says, "Sell the sizzle, not the steak." But sizzle won't move steak out the door. What will is the Read More
When dealing with inputting systems into a company what is your thoughts on being trained? Some consider that because they are computer literate they shouldn't need training because a system should be easy to use... I agree, which is why training should be about using the system to help improve your sales process, practices and methodologies Read More

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